You just started SEO and got stuck on Keyword Research? Believe us, You aren’t alone. “Keyword research” is more complex than it sounds. It is the foundation of SEO. SEO is a process and keyword research is like the base that will serve you throughout the process. Work on the wrong keyword and all your time and effort is gone.

Worried? Well, don’t because you landed on the best page to be in 2020 for keyword research. Here we are going to break down keyword research brick by brick and by the end of this article you will master the art of generating the right keyword for your content in 2020. Hold your horses and enjoy the beginner’s guide on keyword research for 2020.
In case you want to dive right into the points. Then here’s the list:
- Relevancy really matters in keywords
- Getting to know the Keyword
- Working on the RIGHT Keyword ( long Tail keywords)
- Sneak-Peek on your Competitor’s website
- Choosing the Right Tools
- Maintaining the volume to difficulty ratio
- Check out CPC
- Go with the Flow
- Bonus
1. Relevancy really matters in Keyword:

What is Keyword in SEO?
Keywords are the set of words that the user tends to enter on google search or any other search engine to get the desired search results. It may be one or multiple numbers of words
It is thus important to find the right keyword for the job. Sounds simple? Don’t worry it can get tougher. Selecting the right keywords can be a pain, especially when a lot of people are trying to rank for the same keyword. Try finding the keyword that carries the essence of your work, or services you provide. For instance: “Health services prices in Nepal” can be a possible keyword if you are running health services. Just Think from the client’s perspective, find the right keyword and you are great to go.
Keyword Research acts as an indicator to direct on your path to SEO. It influences every sector like content generation, on page SEO, promotion, and many more.
Bored Already huh?
Here’s a fact about keyword research that might interest you.
Fact 1. 83200 keywords are searched in every second on google. You see now how important keyword research is.
2. Getting to know the Keyword:
When it comes to keywords, it sure comes with the type we are dealing with.
- Informational Keywords:
These keywords are simply informative. They imply the answer to the question in the knowledge base. “ How to do Keyword Research” could be the potential keyword you typed and found me.
- Navigational:
Some times guiding People to a particular page or website could be your goal. This is where navigational Keywords Comes in play. It guides the user to a particular page/Website. “Cheapest Laptops in Nepal” could be one for the laptop reseller.
- Transactional:
People are already aware of your brand and want to dig dipper, then working on a transactional keyword could be a great option. “How to make mobile payments through eSewa” could be a possible conversion keyword for eSewa.
- Commercial:
Keywords that assure you of the possibility of directly converting your leads into a customer are commercial keywords. “Buy Samsung Phones on daraz” converts mobile buyers particularly on Samsung and daraz. They directly funnel your search to brands like daraz and Samsung.
Going straight for the particular keyword helps a lot and undoubtedly adds a set of keywords on your list but working simultaneously on the synonyms or related words can prove handy when you are addressing broader scope for the content.
3. Working on the RIGHT Keyword ( long Tail keywords):
What is long-tail keyword?
Most searches are based on informative keywords. The keywords that contain three or more words that filters the search query to smaller domian. They are used when the user is more specific like “This is what I want”.
Let’s have a look at two different Guys. Hari and Shyam were given the same set of keywords but Hari was able to get results faster. Do you wanna know. Why? Hari was particularly selective on which keyword to work on i.e he focused on longtail keyword. See adding great keywords don’t guarantee the results. But working on the right keywords with less difficulty surely does. Especially when you are working on a new site and want to play it safe, you should give it a shot.

Fact 2: 70 out of 100 keywords are long-tailed queries on google. Still, Do you want to miss this?
4. Sneak-Peek on your Competitor’s website:
“Your enemy teaches u a lot” just another quote? But it turns out to be true. If you closely look at your competitor’s page, you are going to learn a lot. Evaluate the site, find the keywords they are targeting, and encounter the niche keywords. If you succeed, you will end with a bunch of keywords to work with. You will also get a glance at what they are doing great and the things they lack. This could be the game-changer.

5.Choosing the Right Tools:
Choosing the right tool can be tricky especially in SEO where we need to depend on tools all the time for every single purpose. And believe me, going for paid tools will surely run you out of your cash. Trouble huh! Well don’t worry, we have you covered on this.
What are the free keyword research tools?
Here is a list of free tools for keywords research that will help you do the job.
Google Search Console
Related Search
Keyword Planner
Google Trends
Youtube Suggest
Keywords Everywhere
Keyword Shitter
I prefer google’s products. Well, it’s obvious, to work on google we need to trust google right. You are searching for an online mentor, then you should really check out Neil. He has tons of resources and famous tool ubbersugest that will surely prove to be a great SEO tool.
6. Maintaining the volume to difficulty ratio: Evaluation in short
We all wish but there are no ready-made tools that will pop out just the right keyword for you. This is the part where you need to make rational decisions based on data analysis. Google keyword planner will surely get you the search volume and the difficulty on that particular keyword.
How to do you do keyword research?
1. Try to phase out the keywords with similar meanings and add up their volume.
2. Once volumes are set, compare the particular keyword with the preceding keywords
3. Target the ones with an adequate amount of search volume and lesser competition.
4. Use tools like excel that will let you easily manipulate the data exactly the way you want.
The structural layout of the keywords will certainly help you to keep an eye on the opportunities that you can work with. You will see results much earlier then you are used to by using the proper long keywords.
Fact 3: Wikipedia and Reddit can be a great source of Keywords. Try searching for your keyword and notice the most repetitive keyword. If you find one, Bingo.
7. Check out CPC :
Keywords are the gems in the 21st century. Believe it or not, people are bidding their money on the keywords. It can also be viewed as a gamble. Google makes the bidding on particular keywords to publish ads. The higher bidder gets the keywords. But every coin has two sides, Right?
The keywords with moderate CPC or even less can act as your objects to experiment unless they have enough search volume. Plus it will scale up the difficulty level for you.
8. Go with the Flow:
Getting things done in the right place at the right time is always great. If we follow the market data properly, we can read a pattern. This pattern gives you a brief idea of when to work for a particular keyword. Google trends and exploding topics can be useful. My research from google trend showed that February is the peak time for tourist’s expedition. So, working 2 or 3 months prior would be wiser.
Again doing nothing much, “Just Going With The Flow”.

If you want your keywords to appear as a featured snippet then you should focus on question keyword as well. But first …
What is question keyword?
The keywords that you use but now expressed in question format like FAQ, How, etc.
If you want an example, then you have already seen it. Right on top of this section “What is question keyword?”
Determine the keyword you want to work with, enter your keyword in also asked. It gives you possible question keywords. Now what you wanna do is just determine it’s volume and set your priority.

If you consider the above points you are sure to find the right keyword. Once you have worked in basic topics then your domain authority will rise and now you can hit for the hard keywords. Is it over yet? Nope, finding the right keyword isn’t enough, developing the content with that keyword is equally important. If you want to be efficient in content writing, then it will drop here soon. Again if you have trouble with any terminology then we have a separate article on that too. Thanks for passing by.