Here’s the list of top 10 free SEO tools we all have been waiting for this long. Working on any SEO project is worse than shooting arrows in darkness. You wouldn’t definitely want to face the consequences of not using SEO tools. This checklist of the top 10 free SEO tools will surely help you to achieve maximum results from your projects.

Oh! And don’t forget to check out the bonus I have encluded in the last. So make sure to stick with us till the very end.

Let’s rock the list of top free SEO tools without any further delay.
The list will emerge sequentially and will overcome the needs of every incremental step in SEO.
Top 10 free SEO tools divided into two segments:
- Keyword research tool
- Analytics tool
Keyword research tools:
1. Keyword Planner:
This is an awesome free tool from Google itself. The data from Google can’t be doubted but the finding here can be pretty complex. Google developed the Keyword Planner for labeling the bid amount on various keywords and to promote google ads of course. Google has also decided to range the search volume and make it even more complex. This tool can still be used efficiently. It delivers you quite potential keywords. The keywords arranged in increasing or decreasing order can turn out to be your greatest advantage in prioritizing the keywords.
And that’s not the end, you can select certain keywords and adding them to plan will let you know the volume and CPC precisely.
If that’s not enough for you, then I have listed all the possible tricks on Google keyword planner here. Feel free to check out any time you want.
2. Keywords Everywhere:
It is another great tool that will suggests you keyword ideas close to your keywords. Keywords Everywhere let you even download the keywords in CSV format. It suggests the top youtube channel and all the related keywords they are using. I find this tool great while using a Chrome extension.
3. Keyword shitter:
Keyword Shitter may sound weird but it’s a lot more useful and powerful. And trust me the sound isn’t making me comfortable either but I can’t stop using this tool. This tool can prove to be the powerhouse of keywords. You will have full control over it as you will be the one to stop the tool. It generates all possible keywords to the keywords it previously generated. Just enter your keyword and you are good to go.
It uses the exponential concept.
4. Answer the public:
Who in the world wouldn’t fall in love with the artistic way how this website presents its data. Answer the public uses the tree structure. The primary keyword will be the root of the tree. The potential words will be the branches and your keywords will be the leaves. They generate long-tail question keywords only.
Check out how creative their website is.

Analytics tools:
5. Google search console:
Google search console is a great tool when it comes to analyzing your website. The focus here is to maintain your site quality rather than traffic. It helps in indexing your particular URL without any hassle. It points out the errors you are making.
What’s more, it provides you a possible solution. It is a complete package for indexing and crawling your page. It provides you with the insight of impression on any particular URL and on which query. The query can be your next potential keyword.
Here’s a quick guide on how to set up google search console. Once you set up, you will be amazed to see, what it has to offer.
6. SEOquake:
It is more of a browser extension then a tool. SEOquake will help you to populate your SERP page. It ranks each of your results in number along with other useful information like domain authority, age of your domain, and even a shortcut to bing. This tool can be very useful due to the instantaneous information it provides on the SERP page. It even suggests the difficulty level on a particular keyword.
7. Screaming Frog:
You won’t find any other tool like screaming frog on this planet earth. It’s not good, its the best. It is completely free. It is a desktop application. It lets you crawl over 500 URLs. It has a dedicated section for particular tags, heading, description, internal and external links. It is the best site auditing tool available for free. It tells you exactly the number of errors. You can even open a particular URL on your browser and make the adjustment right away. It indicates the indexing status of your URL. If you need to audit your client’s website, the screaming frog would be the best option for you.
I use it every single day especially when I don’t have access to any website.
8. Google Analytics:
This list of free SEO tools wouldn’t be complete without Google’s very own Analytics tool. It focuses on traffic hence it proves to be great with data visualization. It tracks the responsiveness of your site. It makes you aware of the traffic driving source to your website and even the location of your potential clients. It lets you track the conversion rate. Finding the most and the least famous pages won’t be a problem anymore.
The combinational representation of data is known as the matrix and the parameters defining the data are dimensions. You can select your own dimension and create the matrix the way you want.
It’s all about analyzing traffic and measuring conversion.
9. Page speed insights:
It’s another great tool from Google. It calculates the speed of your website. Who would stay on a slow website? It gives the speed of your website on both the mobile and desktop. It also points out the possible factors that are making your website slow. Its main objective is to increase the speed of your website. It can be useful during a site audit.
Speed of your website always boosts your SEO
10. Tag Manager:
Google Analytics is great. But is it perfect?
No tool is perfect. It sure has its cons. When a tag manager combined with analytics, you can gather a lot of data. Your data viewing perception will change. When you start with the tag manager, you will be provided with the tags. Tags are nothing, but a bunch of code that you will add in a site.
Different tags are used on the website and maintaining these tags manually will require a sound knowledge of coding. Google tag manager offers you a simplified way of managing tag without the knowledge of coding.

This list is well optimized. The listing was done according to my personal preference and their authenticity. I focused mostly on google’s product and some tools couldn’t make it to the list.
These tools below are quite good too.
Neil Patel is the most common name in SEO. He has branded his name analogous to SEO. Ubersuggest is Neil’s tool. It was free but suddenly he decided to monetize the Ubersugget. It has a limit to usage but still, it’s great.
Also asked:
Question tags are another great way of adding keywords to your content. Also asked provides you different question keywords. Its another good keyword research tool.
SEO review tools:
The SEO review tool is like a last resort tool for me. It provides a bunch of tools like keyword tool, rank checker, backlink checker, website SEO checker, SEO writing assistant, and many more. SEO writing assistance is my favorite as it guides me to create more SEO centric Contents. It is powered by Semrush.
SEO power suit:
It is a collection of tools like Rank Tracker, link assistant, SEO spyglass, and website auditor. Here’s a link to the site just drop your email id and they will provide you the download link. Explore this on your own and you will enjoy it a lot.
Is this “Top 10 Free SEO tool” list authentic?
The list is genuinely true. Everyone’s motive is to establish their business and earn money ultimately. Most of the free tools out there give you a small glimpse of their product and constantly annoy you with the message stating “You have reached your daily limit please subscribe to your premium plans”. This is why I have focused on Google’s product.
Thanks for staying with us and happy learning.