Facebook Ads manager: Beginner’s Guide

Facebook Ads manager: Beginner’s Guide

Do you know more than 1.4 billion people use Facebook every day, and on average each user spends more than 50 minutes a day across Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram?

And the important fact is 91% of marketers invested in Facebook advertising last year.

 You also know that Facebook is a big platform to advertise your business.

You might be thinking that how do marketers create, manage, and analyze their Facebook ads?

They use Facebook Ads Manager for all this.

However Ads Manager can look intimidating, but fear not once you get below the surface Ads Manager is an amazing tool, offering everything you need to optimize your ads and deliver you a successful campaign.

Are you also thinking about running Facebook ads for your business but don’t know where to start?

Then of course this article is for you. Here we will share everything you need to know about Facebook Ads Manager, including how to manage and analyze your ads on Facebook.

Let’s start

What is Facebook Ads Manager?

The Ads Manager is an amazing tool where you can create and manage your campaigns.

Getting Started

Maybe you are thinking about how to create Facebook Ads Manager.

If you already have a Facebook Business Page, you can go straight to the Facebook Ads Manager or Business Manager to create your Facebook ad campaign. If you don’t have a business page, first you will need to create one first.

Here we will follow the steps for Facebook Ads Manager

Step 1: Choose your objective

At first, you have to log into Facebook Ads Manager and then select the Campaign tab, then click “Create” to get started with a new Facebook ad campaign.

Facebook offers you eleven marketing objectives based on what you want your ad to accomplish. Here’s how they align with your business goals.

•  Brand Awareness: You can introduce your brand to your new audience.

Reach: You can show your ads to as many people in your audience as possible.

•  Traffic: It is used to drive traffic to your web page, app.

•   Engagement: Reach a wide audience to increase your post engagement or Page likes, encourage the audience to claim an offer from your business.

•  App installs: Encourage people to install your app.

Video Views: Get more audience to watch all your videos.

Lead Generation: You can generate leads by getting new prospects into your sales funnel.

Messages: It helps to encourage your audience to contact your company using Facebook Messenger.

•  Conversions: Encourage people to take a specific action on your website.

•   Catalog sales: Connect your Facebook ads to your product to show the audience your product which they want to buy.

Store traffic: You can choose a campaign based on your goals for specific ads.

Step2: Name your campaign

In Facebook Ads Manager, you have to scroll down to name your ad campaign and choose whether to set up your ads.

You can also choose whether you want to turn on budget optimization or not. You can use this option if you will use multiple ads.

For the Engagement on your ads, you can also choose whether to focus on post engagement, page likes, or events responses.

Step3: Set up your ad account

If you have already set up your account, you will see a button “Click that to move on the next step”.You have to click that button and move to the next step

But if you are new to Facebook ads, then you will see a button that says “Set Up Ad Account”.Click that button and you will be prompted to enter some key details to create your ad account.

You have to enter your country, preferred currency, and time zone after that click “Continue”.

Step 4: Target your audience

At the top of the screen, you can see the Ad Set name you have to fill in your Facebook Ad campaign name and choose which Page to promote.

After that, you have to scroll down to start building the target audience for your ads.

You will see the first option to add a custom audience of people who already get connected with your business on or off Facebook.

And you can select your target location, age, gender, and language and While making your selections, keep an eye on the audience size indication on the right of the screen which provides you a sense of your potential and reaches.

You will also see an estimated number of Page Likes. These estimates will be more accurate if you have already run your campaign since Facebook will have more data to work with.

Now after that, you can target detail. You have two fields here in which to make your audience as you choose.

•         Detailed targeting:

You can use this field to include or exclude people based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.

You can get specific data from here.

•         Connections:

You can target or exclude an audience who are already connected with your Facebook page, or an event you have managed.

Step 5: Choose your Facebook ad placements

You have to scroll down to choose where your ads will appear. If you are new to Facebook advertising, then your simplest choice must be “Automatic Placements”.

When you select this option, Facebook will automatically place your ads on Facebook, Instagram Messenger, and the Audience where you will get the best results.

Once you have more experience, you can place your ads in a specific location on your Facebook page. You will get the following options:

•         Device: Desktop, Mobile, or both.

•         Platform: Facebook, Instagram, Messenger

•         Placement: Feeds, Stories, messages, articles, and  apps

•         Specific mobile devices and operating system: Android, ios, feature phones, and all devices

Step 6: Set your budget and schedule

Next, you can set your budget and schedule. You have to decide how much money you want to spend on your Facebook ad campaign and also can choose a daily or lifetime budget after that you can set the start and end dates also.

You can also add optional cost and bid controls which will take the amounts per action rather than for your overall ad campaign.

You will also get small details about how you want to spend your money using the advanced budget options.

But also you have to keep in mind that running your Facebook paid ads on a schedule may be the most efficient way to spend your budget. If you have created a lifetime budget for your ad then only You can set a schedule.

After you have made a selection, and you are happy with the audience size indicator then you can click “Continue”

Step 7: Create your ad

The first thing you have to do is, choose your ad format, then enter the text and media components for your ad. The format will vary based on the campaign objective you have already selected.

You can use the preview tool at the bottom of the page to make sure your ad looks good for all the platforms you have selected.

When you are ok with your choices, click the Confirm button to submit your order and then wait to get an email from Facebook that your ad has been approved.

Facebook Ads Specification:

There are a lot of details that you just need to confine your mind when getting your images and videos ready for ads.

Text and objective specification for running ads on Facebook.

To create the best Facebook ads, you have to keep the recommended character counts in your mind. Anything text beyond these limits will be cut off.

Image ads:

Headline: 25 characters

Link Description:30 characters

Body Text:125  characters

Campaign Objective: All except video views.

Video Ads

Headline: 25 characters

Link Description:30 characters

Body Text:125  characters

 Campaign Objective: You can add all except catalog sales.

Carousel Ads

Headline: 25 characters

Link Description:20 characters

Body Text:125  characters

Campaign Objective: You can add all except engagement and video views.

Slideshow Ads

Headline: 25 characters

Link Description:30 characters

Body Text:125  characters

Campaign Objective: All

Collection Ads:

Headline: 25 characters

Link Description: n/a

Body Text:90 characters

Campaign Objective: Traffic, Conversion, store traffic.

Instant Experience Ads:

Text: You can add a block of text up to 500 words each.

Campaign Objective: You can add all except lead generation, catalog sales, and messages.

Messenger Inbox Ads:

Headline: n/a

Link Description : n/a

Body Text: 125 characters

Campaign Objectives: Traffic, app installs, conversion, messages.

Final Thoughts:

The Facebook Ads Manager is the central hub for creating a commercial campaign.

 The deep statistics and analytics allow you to tailor your ads to fulfill specific business requirements. The power to succeed in such an unlimited, targeted audience for your ads at such a reasonable cost is revolutionary.

What do you think about Ads manager? Do you feel comfortable while navigating Ads Manager?

Are you feeling confident about placing your next ad campaign by reading the above guidelines?

Please share your thoughts within the comments.

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